
Home / News / Industry news / The reason why embroidery thread is broken due to non-machine factors!
Home / News / Industry news / The reason why embroidery thread is broken due to non-machine factors!

The reason why embroidery thread is broken due to non-machine factors!

1. The quality of the thread itself (if it is still necessary to use, you can add thread oil or wax, or even reduce the speed to accommodate)
2. The threading is not normal or the wind blows directly to the thread rack, making the embroidery thread tangled
3. The spool is tilted or the thread has too many knots
4. Gold and silver wires get tangled and lead to wire breakage
5. The needle is reversed or skewed (if necessary, a new needle can be replaced)
6. The needle is glued (the glue stain can be wiped off with an oiled cloth)
7. Thread tension is abnormal
8. The needle step of the plate is too dense or there are stitches shorter than 0.5mm
9. Using the wrong needle that is too small
10. When embroidering thick materials, organ NY needles or Groz needles are not used
11. The speed of the machine is too fast, and it is not adjusted according to the characteristics of the embroidery material
12. When doing appliqué embroidery, there is no regular cleaning of the hook or encrypted refueling cycle
13. The embroidery material is too thick and too hard, if necessary, add thread oil or wax the thread
14. Using the wrong right twist thread

Non-machine factors affect the reasons for more broken needles:
1. The threading is not normal or the wind blows directly to the thread frame, making the embroidery thread tangled
2. The spool is tilted or the thread has too many knots
3. Thread tension is abnormal
4. The needle step of the plate is too dense or there are stitches shorter than 0.5mm
5. Using the wrong needle that is too small
6. The speed of the machine is too fast, and it is not adjusted according to the characteristics of the embroidery material
7. When doing appliqué embroidery, there is no regular cleaning of the rotary hook or an encrypted refueling cycle
8. Whether the embroidery material is too thick or hard (if necessary, add thread oil or wax the thread)
9. The material fluctuates during embroidery (improve the fixing method if necessary)
10. Too many inching times when embroidering thick materials
11. Organ NY needles or Groz needles are not used when embroidering thick materials
12. The shuttle is not set right.