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A simple introduction to yarn dyeing!

A complete collection of yarn dyeing methods. Yarn (including filament) dyeing has a history of nearly a thousand years, and hank yarn has been used for dyeing for a long time. It was not until 1882 that there was the first package dyeing patent in the world, and warp beam dyeing appeared later.
1. Skein dyeing
The spun yarn or filament is transformed into a frame-connected skein on the reeling machine, and then the dyeing method of dip-dyeing in various dyeing machines is skein dyeing. Since there have been many monographs on skein dyeing before, this book will not repeat them.
2. Package dyeing
Wind the spun yarn or filament on the bobbin full of holes (requires appropriate and uniform winding density, generally called "loose tube"), and then put it on the yarn carrier of the dyeing machine (also known as flat plate, Hanging tray, creel, etc.) on the dyeing column (also known as yarn bamboo, spindle rod, inserting rod, etc.), put it into the package dyeing machine, and rely on the action of the main pump to make the dyeing solution penetrate between the yarn or fiber of the package Circulation, the way to achieve dyeing is bobbin dyeing.
3. Beam Dyeing
According to the color and quantity requirements of the warp yarn of dyed fabrics, the raw yarn is wound on the coiled tube with holes on the loose warping machine to form a loose warp beam (which can be regarded as a large bobbin), and then it is installed in the dyeing machine. On the yarn carrier of the warp beam dyeing machine, and put it into the warp beam dyeing machine, the dyeing liquid is penetrated and circulated between the warp beam yarns or fibers by the action of the main pump, so as to realize dip dyeing and obtain warp yarns with uniform color and luster. Axial staining.
4. Beam pad dyeing
Warp beam pad dyeing is mainly used in the production and processing of denim with color warp and white weft. It is to introduce a certain number of thin shafts into each dyeing tank, and after repeated dipping, rolling, and ventilation and oxidation for many times, the dyeing of indigo (or vulcanization, reduction, direct, paint) dyes is realized. After pre-drying and then sizing, warp beam yarn with uniform color and luster can be obtained, which can be directly used for weaving. There can be multiple dyeing tanks (sheet machine) or one (ring machine) during warp beam pad dyeing. This equipment used in conjunction with sizing is called a sheet dyeing and sizing combined machine.

5. Yarn pad dyeing (ball dyeing)
This is also a special dyeing method for denim warp yarns. The dyeing process is to first gather 400 to 500 raw yarns into a ball shape, and then several bundles (such as 12 bundles, 18 bundles, 24 bundles, 36 bundles) Repeated dipping, rolling, and ventilation oxidation in the tank for many times to achieve indigo dyeing, and then warp and sizing. Acrylic tow can also be dyed tow.
6. Special yarn dyeing method:
Like fabrics, yarns are also partially dyed, such as knot dyeing, segment dyeing, tie dyeing, printing, discharge dyeing, gradients, etc.
(1) Seal Festival
According to the design requirements, print a small section (such as 0.5 ~ 1cm) of color on the spread skein every set distance, which can be the same color, but most of them are five colors. It must be noted that the spacing must be irregular and unequal, otherwise "turtle back" or "landscape painting" will appear on the canvas.
(2) Segment dyeing
Several dyes are simultaneously dripped on different parts of the spread skein, and after vacuum suction or extrusion, the color is fixed and washed. Compared with the printing festival, the color segment is longer, the white yarn spacing is smaller, and even two adjacent colors will appear "color matching" on the yarn. Space-dyed yarn is used more in knitted fabrics.
(3) tie-dye
Tighten part of the skein with a rope (or wrap it with a plastic film), and then carry out dip-dyeing. As a result, the tied part is left blank, and part of the tied part has bleeding from deep to light, and the unbound part is evenly colored. The product is unique. charm.
(4) Printing (printing)
This method is generally used to produce warp woven fabrics. Print patterns on the warp yarns (not on the weft yarns), the product style is hazy, like flowers but not flowers. When printing the warp, it can be woven first (the knitting method is to print first and then warp, and the machine weaving method is warp-false weaving-printing), or it can be printed directly on the warp yarn. For example, the synthetic fiber warp yarn can be printed on the transfer printing machine.
(5) Gradient dyeing (colorful silk)
Dip different parts of the skein (silk) in the dye solution for different times, so that each frame of yarn presents a gradient color from light to dark without obvious boundaries, such as traditional Chinese embroidery with seven-color silk threads. In addition, there are half-side dyeing, spray dyeing, continuous dip dyeing of single yarn, etc.