
Home / News / Industry news / Today teach you how to judge the quality of sewing thread
Home / News / Industry news / Today teach you how to judge the quality of sewing thread

Today teach you how to judge the quality of sewing thread

Sewing thread has a lot to do with our lives. From household items, clothing, to bags, etc., the production of many things requires sewing thread to connect. Therefore, the quality of the sewing thread is very important, but many people do not know how to test the quality of the sewing thread. Generally speaking, the sewing thread is too thin and it is easy to break. How to judge it?

1. Compatible with the characteristics of the fabric: the raw materials of the sewing thread and the fabric are the same or similar to achieve the unity of shrinkage, heat resistance, abrasion resistance, durability, etc., and avoid the appearance shrinkage caused by the difference between the thread and the fabric .
2. Consistent with the type of clothing: For special-purpose clothing, special-purpose sewing thread should be considered, such as elastic sewing thread for elastic clothing and heat-resistant, flame-retardant and waterproof sewing thread for fire-fighting clothing.
3. Coordinate with the stitch shape: the stitches used in different parts of the garment are different, and the sewing thread should also be changed accordingly. Crotch and shoulder seams should be firm, while buttonhole lines should be durable.
4. Unify with quality and price: The quality and price of sewing thread should be unified with the grade of clothing. High-quality clothing should use sewing thread with good quality and high price, and medium and low-grade clothing should use sewing thread with average quality and moderate price. Generally, the labels of sewing threads are marked with the grades of sewing threads, the raw materials used, the fineness of yarn counts, etc., which help us to choose and use sewing threads reasonably.