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Talking about the advantages of outdoor sewing thread

Consistent with the type of clothing: For special-purpose clothing, special-purpose sewing thread should be considered, such as elastic sewing thread for elastic clothing and heat-resistant, flame-retardant and waterproof sewing thread for fire-fighting clothing. The quality and price of sewing thread should be consistent with the grade of clothing. High-grade clothing should use high-quality and high-priced sewing thread, and medium and low-grade clothing should use ordinary quality and moderate-priced sewing thread.

Generally, the labels of sewing threads are marked with the grades of sewing threads, the raw materials used, the fineness of yarn counts, etc., which help us to choose and use sewing threads reasonably. Sewing thread signs usually include four items (arranged in order): yarn thickness, color, raw materials, and processing methods, which can be expressed in the form of "60/2X3 white polyester thread".
High specific strength, high specific modulus. The specific strength is more than ten times that of the steel wire of the same section, and the specific modulus is second only to the super carbon fiber. The fiber density is low, the density is 0.97g/cm3, it can float on the water surface, and it can be extended infinitely in the water. Low elongation at break, large work at break, and strong ability to absorb energy, so it has outstanding impact resistance and cutting resistance. Anti-ultraviolet radiation, anti-neutron and gamma rays, high specific energy absorption, low dielectric constant, high electromagnetic wave transmittance.