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Current status of the textile industry

In recent years, the added value of the domestic textile industry has increased year by year, with the total textile fiber processing, chemical fiber output, and textile and apparel exports ranking first in the world. During the development period of the "14th Five-Year Plan", "structural adjustment", "technological innovation", and "green development" are still the main themes of industry development.

In late June 2021, the China National Textile and Apparel Council issued the "Fourteenth Five-Year Development Program for the Textile Industry", proposing to continue to deepen in accordance with the development direction of "innovation-driven technology industry, culture-led fashion industry, and responsibility-oriented green industry" Industrial structure adjustment and transformation and upgrading, increase scientific and technological innovation and talent training, build a number of world-class advanced textile industry clusters, and form a number of well-known multinational enterprise groups and textile and apparel brands with international influence. "Structural adjustment", "Science and technology innovation", "Green development", etc. are still the main themes of the development of the textile industry during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period.